2021年7月20日08:30-09:45、10:15-11:30、13:30-15:10 、13:45-17:30
报高地点:包氏教学楼 8-203
In our lectures, we will give an elementary introduction to low-dimensional physics and related many-body problems, including materials, experiments, models and approaches to deal with many-body interactions. Contents are the followings:
Lecture I. Introduction to low-dimensional physics, fundamental concepts and experiments; Opportunities with cold atom systems: history and technology developments.
Lecture II. Quantum magnetism, 1D Heisenberg model and spinon.
Lecture III. Yang-Gaudin model: spin charge separation and quantumcriticality.
Lecture IV. 1D Hubbard model: Luttinger liquid and FFLO like correlation.
Lecture V. Phase diagram of the 1D extended model.
Lecture VI. Application to quantum technology:quantum information and quantum metrology
(Note:1. We expect to spend 3 days, 3 lecture hours per day for these lectures. If needed, we could add up to 3 lecture hours.
2. Along the lectures, we will also teach some commonly used analytical and numerical approaches to many-body problems, such as,
a) many-body Hamiltonians and general characters;
b) mean-field theory and its limitations;
c) review on a few analytical approaches;
d) field theory approach, e.g., bosonization;
e) Beth Ansatz;
f) Exact diagonalization and DMRG;
g) QMC; )
管习文:博士,研究员,1998年9月获吉林大学博士学位,先后在德国和巴西从事博士后研究工作,2003年2月-2008年12月在澳大利亚国立大学任科研研究员(Research Fellow B),2009年1月提升为高级研究员(Research Fellow C);2012年10月起任中科院武汉物理与数学研究所研究员,主要从事低维量子多体系统理论方面的研究工作,在Rev. Mod. Phys., Advance in Physics,Phys. Rev. Lett., Nucl. Phys. B, Phys. Rev. A/B,EPL, J. Phys A等重要学术刊物上发表90多篇论文。特别在冷原子气体、自旋液体和强关联电子体系的严格解方面取得了一些重要的进展和成就,一些结果在近几年的重要实验中得到验证。现为美国Ohio State University与日本Tokyo University的高级访问学者,清华大学高等研究院客座教授以及J. Phys. A 编辑部的Adversary Panel成员。