星空在线,星空在线(中国)前沿讲坛第12讲:Functional renormalization group for correlated electrons
发布时间: 2021-07-16 14:37


报高地点:包氏教学楼 8-203



In this talk I will first review briefly the concept of Landau-Fermi liquid, the instability of the Landau-Fermi liquid, and then turn to the strongly correlated systems where there may be competing instabilities. Next, I introduce the idea of functional renormalization group, and show how it could be applied to treat the competing instabilities of the correlated manybody system reliably on equal footing, by, e.g., the singular-mode expansion of the 4-point interaction vertices, a truncation scheme which we call the singular-mode functional renormalization group (SM-FRG). I then show some interesting states of matter, some of them topological in nature, obtained by SM-FRG in some particular systems of correlated electrons.


1985-1989年在南京大学少年部(后称基础教育强化部)本科学习,获理学学士学位 1989-1993年在南京大学物理系硕博连读,获理学博士学位,并留校工作。1995-1997年在香港大学做博士后研究工作。2000-2002年在加州大学伯克利分校做访问研究。1993-1995年任南京大学物理系讲师,1995-2002年任副教授,2002-今任教授。2004年获国家自然科学基金之杰出青年基金以及教育部霍英东研究基金资助。